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Spectrum Manager Statistical Data Summary

Conventional Scanning Data

This section describes the fields recorded in DBASE format using the central data logging tool.

Field Name Units Scale Description of Field
IDENT none none indexed field used to uniquely identify each record in the database, derived from other fields
FREQUENCY Hz 1 channel frequency
PLTONE none 10 PL in tenths of Hz (i.e. 254.1), or DPL code "10xxx" here xxx is the three digit octal DPL code number
NAME none none channel name in ASCII
YEAR none 1 year of measurement period
JULIAN none 1 Julian date of measurement period
MONTH none 1 month of measurement period
DAY none 1 Day of measurement period
HOUR none 1 Hour of measurement period
HITCOUNT none 1 Number of hits in measurement period
AIRTIME milliseconds 1 total air time during the measurement period
SIGNALAVG DBm 1 average signal strength during the measurement period
SIGNALSUM DBm 1 sum of all signal strength measurements during the period
SIGNALOBS none 1 number of signal strength measurements taken during the period
SIGNALMIN DBm 1 weakest signal measurement observed during the period
SIGNALMAX DBm 1 strongest signal measurement observed during the period

If the GPS option was purchased and the workstation recording data has been configured for use with an active GPS receiver, then each DBASE record has the following fields added to it. Note that if GPS data was not available when the record was recorded, then all of these fields will contain zeroes.

Field Name Units Scale Description of Field
LAT 1 degrees latitude, negative = south
LON 1 degrees longitude, negative = west
ALT * * altitude
SPD * * speed
HDG * * heading

* Note: these fields are recorded in the units and scale as provided by the GPS receiver. Please refer to the operating instructions for your receiver to determine the format, scale and units of this data.

Traffic Data File DBASE Field Descriptions

This section describes the fields recorded in the DBASE traffic analysis file.

Field Name Units Scale Description of Field
IDENT none none indexed field used to uniquely identify each record in the database, derived from other fields
NAME none none Channel name in ASCII
FREQUENCY Hz 1 Channel frequency
YEAR none 1 Year of measurement period
MONTH none 1 Month of measurement period
DAY none 1 Day of measurement period
JULIAN none 1 Julian date of measurement period
HOUR none 1 Hour of measurement period
CALLCOUNT none 1 Number of calls in measurement period
SIGNALSUM none DBm Sum of all signal strength measurements during the measurement period
SIGNALOBS none 1 Number of signal strength measurements taken during the measurement period
SIGNALMIN none DBm Weakest signal measurement observed during the measurement period
SIGNALMAX none DBm Strongest signal measurement observed during the measurement period
SIGNALAVG none Dbm Average signal strength during the measurement period
CYCLECNT none 1 Total number of cycles processed during the measurement period
AIRTIME none milliseconds Total air time during the measurement period
APERTURE none milliseconds Actual time of the measurement period, will differ slightly from 1 hour because cycle time does not divide evenly into 3600 seconds
ERLANG Erlang none calculated from call count, air time and aperture

Summary Data File DBASE Field Descriptions

This section describes the fields recorded in the DBASE summary data file.

Field Name Units Scale Description of Field
FREQUENCY Hz 1 Channel frequency
NAME none none Channel name in ASCII
SYEAR years none Year recording started
SJULIAN days none Day of year recording started
SMONTH months none Month recording started
SDAY days none Day of month recording started
SHOUR hours none Hour recording started
TCALLCOUNT     Total number of calls
TAIRTIME milliseconds 1 Total air time
TSIGNALAVG none Dbm Average signal strength
TSIGNALOBS none 1 Total number of signal strength observations taken
TSIGNALMIN none DBm Weakest signal measurement observed
TSIGNALMAX none DBm Strongest signal measurement observed
TCYCLECNT none 1 Total number of measurement cycles processed
PYEAR years none Year of the peak hour
PJULIAN days none Day of year of peak hour
PMONTH months none Month of peak hour
PDAY days none Day of month of peak hour
PHOUR hours none Peak hour
PCALLCOUNT     Total number of calls
PAIRTIME milliseconds 1 Total air time
PERLANG Erlang none Peak hour Erlang calculated from call count, air time and aperture
PSIGNALAVG none Dbm Average signal strength during peak hour
PSIGNALOBS none 1 Total number of signal strength observations taken during the peak hour
PSIGNALMIN none DBm Weakest signal measurement observed during peak hour
PSIGNALMAX none DBm Strongest signal measurement observed during peak hour
PAPERTURE milliseconds none Actual time of the peak hour, will differ slightly from 1 hour because cycle time does not divide evenly into 3600 seconds
PCYCLECNT none 1 Total number of measurement cycles in the peak hour

Binary Data Log Format

When the binary call data log format is selected, call records are written to disk in the following fixed length binary format:

Name Size Scale Field Description
FREQUENCY 4 Hz frequency in Hz
TAG 4 none internal use
ACQTIME 4 seconds seconds since 1970 - standard ctime()
AIRTIME 4 milliseconds duration of call in milliseconds
SIG_OBS 4 none number of signal observations
SIG_SUM 4 radio A/D sum of signal observations, in radio
EVENT_FLAGS 4 bit flags recorded event flags, see below
APERTURE 4 milliseconds measurement aperture
CYCLE_COUNT 4 none number of measurement cycles
AVG_CYCLE 2 milliseconds average cycle time
MIN_SIG 1 radio A/D minimum signal measured
MAX_SIG 1 radio A/D maximum signal measured

If the GPS record attached bit is set in the EVENT_FLAGS field, then the binary record has been extended to include the following fields. Software that interprets binary log data must use the GPS record attached bit to determine the proper length of each record. It is possible that records with and without GPS attachments will occur at any point in a binary log file. NOTE: the Scan*Star GPS feature is optional.

Name Size Scale Field Description
LAT 4 11930464 degrees latitude, negative = south1
LON 4 11930464 degrees longitude, negative = west
ALT 4 10 altitude in units as set by GPS receiver
CLKOFF 4 1 PC clock offset in milliseconds
UTC 4 1 UTC milliseconds from midnight
TIME 4 "time_t" when GPS data last updated, ANSI C
SPEED 2 10 ground speed in units set by GPS receiver
HEADING 2 10 ground track in units set by GPS receiver
HDOP 2 10 dilution of precision
SATS 1 1 satellites in use, reported by GPS receiver
DAY 1 1 UTC day of month
MONTH 1 1 UTC month of year
YEAR 1 1 UTC year of century
[reserved] 1 1 used internally by Scan*Star
VALID 1 1 nonzero when GPS data is valid

Last updated April 26, 2011 . Copyright © 2005 Signal Intelligence, Inc. All rights reserved.